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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

In considering improvement of the shape of the abdomen, each layer of the abdominal wall affected has to be considered. There are three relevant layers, the skin, the fatty tissue and the underlying muscle. The skin can be stretched with pregnancy, the fatty layer can increase with weight gain and the muscle layer may also be stretched or weakened with pregnancy and surgery.

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Body Lift

Factors such as aging, sun damage, pregnancy and significant fluctuations in weight especially after weight loss surgery may lead to sagging, loose skin and uneven contours on the abdomen, buttocks, waist, hips, thighs, and arms. Body lift surgery can improve your body contour and give you a more youthful looking toned body. The results are long lasting, provided the same body weight is maintained.

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Arm & Thigh lift

Arm lift also known as brachioplasty is a cosmetic procedure that removes excessive fat and skin over the underarm and elbow. It helps in toning your arms and provides an appealing contour to them. Advancing age, weight fluctuations and genetic factors result in sagging and drooping of the upper arms that can hamper your appearance.

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Liposuction is the surgical vacuuming of fat beneath the surface of the skin. It is currently the most frequently requested cosmetic surgery procedure.

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